Made it to Albania!

Hello everyone!! Well, after a long journey I made it to Albania! It is Wed. morning now, and I am in my apartment! I'll take pictures of it as soon as I can, but in the meantime will post pics of my trip! There are pictures of me with my luggage, me, Ethel, and Steph, and pics of me from Frankfurt and Vienna. I took a city tour while in Frankfurt, and that statue is from there, and it actually spits water at you when you walk by! I also went to Vienna, and against all good logic (since my layover was only 4 hours) I took the train to the city and did some walking around. I also met and Albanina while I was waiting for my flight and we ended up changing seats so we could sit next to each other on the plane. It was great fun and we talked the whole time! Marsi is her name, and that is who is in the picture with me on the plane! Looking forward to talking to everyone soon!!
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