I made this blog to let you know what's going on with me in Albania!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

4th of July

Well, had a pretty American 4th of July - cookout with the fam and fireworks. Doesn't get better that does it? Here are some pictures to enjoy. The ones of the fireworks didn't come out very well, but you get the idea!!

My aunt and Mom watching these fireworks


Blogger xixa said...

Ma chère Lory (en espérant que tu comprends le français..)
Bravo pour ton courage!
Bravo për angazhimin tënd dhe për simpatinë ndaj vendit ku jeton,
Përshëndetje, Georges

(P.s: in the future, tell me si jou prefere un message in english, thanks)

6:35 PM


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