I made this blog to let you know what's going on with me in Albania!

Monday, July 23, 2007

My Birthday, in July?????

This year I had my 27th birthday twice! It was fun being able to celebrate with friends in Texas! Thanks for the great memories!!


Blogger Kendra said...

You turned 27 this year? I though you were older than that!

Where are you now?

10:30 AM

Blogger Lori N. said...

Yup, I'm a youngin' I suppose!

I am in Denton at the moment, but will be in Chicago the 27-31st, here again until the 4th, then back again in Denton on the 12th - 17th. I leave to go back to Albania on the 17th.

10:38 AM

Blogger GE is me said...

Hi, I came upon your blog & saw you are an identical twin. I have identical twin girls that are 28 months. Do you have any other siblings besides your twin? What advice would you give a twin mom?

8:32 PM

Blogger Lori N. said...

Well, I'm not the best person to ask, so I asked my mom. This is what she said:

Make sure they have their own identity. Don't think of them as "twins" as 1 unit, rather as 2 individuals who were born on the same day. Don't keep referring to or calling them the "twins", actually say their names. Try to resist not dressing them exactly alike (different colors are okay)
Try to have special time with each one. If you are lucky, they will be best friends! Enjoy them because they grow up so fast.

Another friend said:

I never minded being called "the twins." For me it did and still does strengthen the bond we have. I love being a twin and enjoy when people recognize our twin-ness.

My advice, have them share a bedroom as long as they can. I think it teaches good lessons such as sharing, co-habitating, compromise and teamwork, as well as builds a strong foundation for bonding.

Separate classrooms so they are forced to make friends with others.

Definitely agree with the individuality . . . different hairstyles, clothes, activities, likes.

3:54 PM

Blogger Ashley & Josh Jones said...

It's time for a new blog Lori

4:33 PM


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