Hey everyone! I say everyone, but who knows if anyone is even looking at this! Well, like I said in the description, this post is to keep everyone up to date with what's going on in Albania. I'm completely knew to this whole blog thing, so please be patient with me. I am excited about keeping in touch this way, and hope it's a fun and informative for you! I am putting a picture of me on here, just in case you forget what I look like :).
Well, I have my play ticket, and officially leave for Albania on August 7th. Pretty crazy! I can't believe how quickly the summer went by. It was definitely filled with a lot of things, from weddings in Charleston, Denton, and just recently in Chicago, to going to Kenya with Titus 2, visitng my sister, among other things! I am leaving for Kansas City and St. Louis on the 25th, and will be visiting people, as well as spending my Mom's birthday with her and dropping off my car.
The word of the week this week is PACKING! I'm going into packing mode, and trying to organize my things.
Prayer requests:
- God continue to bring in support (both financial and prayer)
- That I be diligent to study my Albanian
- My relationship with God continues to grower deeper and that God helps me trust Him with all the details that need to be worked out before I can leave
- Motivation to pack!
Thanks for all of your support! I will write again soon and let you know what's going on. Please write comments and let me know what you think about my blog so far and how you are doing!