These pictures are of (from left to right): View from hotel room in Macedonia, with some of the children on the team, and with some students after the basketball game (yes, I am in jeans because I wasn't planning on playing!)
Hey everyone! Can you believe it's May?? It's official now...I'm wearing a skirt today!
I went to Macedonia for a conferene a couple weeks ago, and besides being sick, it was fun! I had a great view of the lake from my hotel room (which is nice considering that's where I spent the majority of my time!). The president of Christar, Steve Coffey spoke, and it was a good time of refreshment.
School is plugging along....currently my class is working on an assignment for geography where they are (theoretically) building a car plant in Brazil. Each group is made up of four people: personnel manager, transport manager, production manager, and sales manager, and they have to determine the best place to build that plant. They are making up company names and logos as well, and are doing a great job!
We have Sports Day this Friday when all of the students at GDQ as well as the home schoolers will participate in a lot of different activities. Some of the activities include crab soccer, obstacle course, three-legged race, etc. I'm excited about it, I don't know about the students!!
I went to my first movie in Tirana, Spider Man 3! The movie was really good, but it was definitely a different kind of experience. The movie was in English with Albanian subtitles, and since most of the people there were reading the subtitles the volume was fairly low and there was a lot of talking! It was a nice movie theater, nice than I expected, that's for sure! Not quite the seats that can lean back or the arm rests that lift up, but comfortable! I'll definitely go back if there is another good movie!
My school (GDQ) played the Tirana International School in basketball this past weekend, and not to brag, but we crushed them 41-25!! The director said that he thought I could maybe pass for 8th grade and play in the game! Hopefully not!! They had a lot of fun, and after the game some of the students played against some staff/board members! Again, not to brag, but we beat them!
Things here are going really well. I appreciate all of your support - emails, calls, prayers, everthing!