Back in Albania
Hello! I'm sorry that it's been a while since I've written. I hope that this will not be the trend this year in Albania!!
Well, I had a great time while I was back in the US! I was able to see a good amount of people and do quite a bit of traveling. I'll include some pictures for sure! The one of my pants all wet is from the waitress spilling on me, by the way!!!
I have spent the last week in Leicester, England with my roommate Susan. It was great meeting her friends and family and to visit with her grandmother that is very sick. Please pray for her grandmother, she will be 98 in about a week and has pneumonia.
After arriving back on Thursday night I have managed to be busy already! We had our first education team meeting last night and met the new people on the team. They seem very nice, a 4th grade teacher, 7th and 8th grade science teacher, and high school math and science teacher are all new! Myself and the team leader are the only veteran teachers on the team, scary!
It's good to be back, and thankfully I haven't forgotten all my Albanian! This year I'm going to be taking grammar lessons once a week and continue meeting with my conversation partner a few times a week. Oh yeah, and do all my lesson planning and develop the curriculum for language arts grades 5-8. Only a little bit on my plate!
Hope you are doing well!! Please keep in touch if you can and I promise to try to update this a lot more than I have been!!
Ok, well, it's not letting me post any pictures right now, sorry!!! I'll try again later to add the pics.