Stories and Pictures

Hello! Well I'm going to attempt to put more pictures up this time. I'm going to hold off on posting pictures of my apartment because hopefully I won't be living there! To catch you all up, I have absolutely LOVED my immersion experience and want to continue living with my Albanian friends. In order to do this I have to find someone to take over my contract at the other apartment. I had some people come by and look at it the other day and they were very interested, so I'm hoping that will work out!
This is my last day before school starts!! I can't believe how time has gone by so quickly! We have had staff days at school for the past few days and it has been great getting to know the other teachers! Everyone is very supportive and helpful, so that definitely helps! I made my schedule, but have yet to do all my lesson plans! Yesterday we had the open house and I was able to meet some of the parents and students, and that was great! I'll definitely be posting pictures of my students as soon as possible!
I have a funny story for you today as well. Well, not sure if it's more embarrasing or funny! Basically I biked home, got off my bike and was unlocking the door to my apartment building. For whatever reason I lost my balance and ended up falling down on top of my bike! Of course it hurt my pride more than anything else! Thankfully there wasn't anyone around!! I do have a nice bruise on my hip to show for it though :). Hopefully the visual that the story creates will be enough to make you chuckle a little bit!
The pictures are of my school and my classroom! Soon to come will be pictures of the outdoor bull mating place right outside my window!!
Hi Lori,
Your stories are fantastic. Can't hardly wait to see the bull.....? picture. The pictures you've sent are so good and you all look so cute and happy. Anxious to see pictures of your students when you have them. Keep the funny stories coming. Hope you're keeping a diary besides this... would make a good book.
Love, your neighbor, Clara
4:17 PM
Hi we love your blog! Is it possible to send you an email or you send us one so i can ask some questions about Albania as we are planning to visit soon and it would be really helpful to get some info from someone who is actually living there? Email ojmobile at gmail. many thanks Olaf & Judy
6:38 AM
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